- #Cycle keyboard shortcut for mac pro#
- #Cycle keyboard shortcut for mac mac#
If that's not to your liking or you have an older Mac, you can assign a key or key combination to access Mission Control in System Preferences > Mission Control.Ģ.
#Cycle keyboard shortcut for mac mac#
To access Mission Control, you can swipe up with three or four fingers (depending how you have your trackpad set up), but you can also use the F3 button on Apple keyboards sold since Mac OX X Lion's release in 2011. Without further ado, I present a five keyboard shortcuts for Mission Control. I have come to rely on it and its virtual workspaces throughout the workday, and I get in and out of it more quickly now than when I relied solely on my MacBook's trackpad to navigate my way around it.
#Cycle keyboard shortcut for mac pro#
Because my 13.3-inch MacBook Pro has only so much screen real estate, I spread out the applications I use most frequently across a handful of virtual desktops in Mission Control in an effort to avoid feeling cramped when multitasking.
+ + (or + + on Mac) Pastes the style from the copied item to the currently active item and all child items.After learning a few keyboard shortcuts, my embrace of Mission Control has tightened. + + (or + + on Mac) Pastes the style from the copied item to the currently active item. If the clipboard contains a single line of text, it is added into the current item. If text is currently selected: And the clipboard contains multiple lines of text, these will be inserted into the current item replacing the selected text. If no text is selected, and the clipboard contains multiple lines of text, each line is added as child items to the current item. If the clipboard contains whole copied items, these will be pasted onto the currently active item. + (or + on Mac) Copies text, or if no text is selected, copies the item and all its child items. You can copy and paste from the node context menu and background context menu, or with an item open for editing keyboard shortcuts are available: Also try holding down and with the context menu open!. hold after starting to drag an item to snap to a grid as you move it. While editing an item + drag the corner of the text area to resize the text of all its child items. + drag an item to transplant it to a different parent. + + click on the (+) button of a branch to remove it without removing it's children (Or also use + click on Mac). + click on the (+) button of a branch to insert a new parent above it. + click on the (+) button of a branch to remove it (the (+) turns into an (x) as you hold the key). There are also some handy things you can do with the keyboard and mouse in combination: cancels editing, discarding any changes since the item was opened. or + will save and close an item (or also click anywhere outside the item). + + : toggle line smooth/straight (requires paid subscription). + + : toggle line dashed/solid (requires paid subscription). In all cases you can hold shift to apply the style to all child items at the same time: To change the colour, and style of items, hold + and use the following keys.+ + + to re-arrange all of the branches in a diagram.+ + (or + + on Mac) to re-arrange the current branch and its descendents.+ (or + on Mac) sets the text size of the current item back to the default, or sets the page zoom to default if no item is active.+ (or + on Mac) reduces the text size of the current item, or zooms the page if no item is active.When changing the text size in an item, also hold the key to adjust in smaller steps of exactly 1 font size.
+ (or + on Mac) increases the text size of the current item, or zooms the page if no item is active. + creates a new line of text inside the existing branch ( + also does this). While editing an item (with the text editor open), the following shortcuts apply: + (or + on Mac) undoes the last change (works for all changes since the page was reloaded). If no item is currently being edited, any combination will also select the root item. + + + arrow keys allow you to move around between items, along the direction of the branches. double-tap in an empty item with no children to remove it, or. + creates a new sibling branch (use + + to add a new item underneath the current one, instead of automatically choosing whether to place it above or below). Coggle has shortcuts to help you do lots of common things, and we've collected them all into this handy list: Creating, Removing, and Navigating Items